5 Day Practice Intensive 2023
Nil Teisner and Wil Brown are collaborating once again, with an Intensive Practice Week in Barcelona!
After their recent popular workshop in London, Nil Teisner (Finding Flow) and Wil Brown (Figuring Things Out) will collaborate on a 5 day practice Intensive together in Barcelona this winter and share about their practice and mutual research.
During the Practice Intensive we will explore dynamically each day. There will be a minimum of 20hrs of practice, with opportunity for extra exploration outside of this. We are really excited to share this experience in Barcelona, due to the vast and immersive environment on offer. You will gain access to different aspects of our movement practices and gain exciting perspectives, tools and insights that you can integrate into your own practice.
Elements and methods from acrobatics, locomotion, floorwork, dance, partner work, parkour, plyometrics, physical conditioning, falling practice and other areas that influence and inspire both Nil and Wil’s practice will be introduced and interwoven.
"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." – Ryunosuke Satoro

Skills Level
All are welcome
€700 with an early bird 10% discount before september 15th 2023.